
Let the tradition through the all time
Restore art to life


Ceroplastic Hibiscus


        Du Fu, a noted poet of Tang Dynasty, once wrote Happy Rain on a Spring Night, a poem, to praise the fascinating beauty of Chengdu when hibiscus is blooming. During the Five Dynasty (the middle 10 Century), Meng Chang, the emperor of late Shu country whose capital is located in Chengdu, was fond of hibiscus and ordered all people to plant this flower. When in full bloom, flowers would cover the capital with silk-like roads. Therefore, Chengdu is also called as Furong(hibiscus) City and abbreviated as Rong (hibiscus) City.




         As hibiscus is are the city flower of Chengdu, Nongyuan has created a series of handcrafts themed on hibiscus, based on ceroplastic, and combined with creativity, art and painting. The ceroplastic hibiscus becomes a unique and symbolic Chengdu Gift and exhibits in many national and international exhibitions, such as Florence Design Week.


成都市民间文艺家协会主席、浓园董事长杨丽女士受佛罗伦萨设计周总策展人Alessandro Pumpo之邀致辞并出席开幕式剪彩 。佛罗伦萨在意大利语中是鲜花之城的意思,向来以“百花城”著称。为表达真挚谢意,成都代表团向议长Eugenio Giani赠送了非遗蜡艺芙蓉花,希望美丽的芙蓉花能见证两地文化贸易的蓬勃发展和深度合作。

         Yang Li, the chairwoman of Chengdu Folk Literature and Art Association and Nongyuan was invited by Alessandro Pumpo, the curator of Florence Design Week, to join the ribbon-cutting of the Design Week. Florence means the city full of flowers in Italian, and has always been known as the "Flower City". To express our sincere gratitude, ceroplastic hibiscus (a Chinese intangible cultural heritage) was presented to Eugenio Giani, the speaker of Tuscany parliament, cherishing the hope that this beautiful flower could witness the flourishing development and in-depth cooperation between the two countries on cultures and trade.



        As a communication base between Sichuan and Taiwan and demonstration base of the creative and cultural industry of the two provinces, Nongyuan has brought in Taiwan’s intangible cultural heritages including ceroplastic crafts and invited ICH bearers in Sichuan so that students from both sides of the Taiwan Straits have more opportunities of study, internship, art exhibitions and other art activities.
