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2019 图像共生 中新澳艺术交流展 Image and Imagination 2019 China New Zealand Australia Art Exchange Exhibition

文章来源: 发布时间:2020-04-02



The China-New Zealand Tourism Year will be officially launched in 2019. As a world-class destination, New Zealand will showcase its beautiful, natural and colorful tourism scene to China, and more Chinese tourists will visit the beautiful country. This is an excellent opportunity for China and New Zealand to promote two-way tourism and enhance mutual understanding of their respective cultures. China has a long history of 5,000 years, splendid civilization, numerous historical sites and

high-speed development of modern cities. Therefore, the New Year Tourism Year provides an opportunity for New Zealand to understand China.

2019 China-New Zealand Tourism Year “Image Symbiosis, Huacai Yizhang – New Art Exhibition in New Zealand Parliament” is a collection of works by famous artists from China, showing China’s unique aesthetic art that combines the characteristics of oriental art. At the same time, there are also works of art by New Zealand local Chinese artists and other ethnic artists with strong New Zealand characteristics. “Image Symbiosis, Huacai Yizhang” will present an artistic picture of the fusion of Eastern and Western cultures, which will enhance the art exchanges and integration between the two countries and promote the understanding of the two sides.

“Image Symbiosis, Huacai Yizhang - New Zealand and China New Art Exchange Exhibition at Parliament House” will add lustre to China and New Zealand tourism year, and promote the two-way tourism of China and New Zealand to a higher level and multi-field development in the form of art.



Auckland International Gallery Joshua Zong, Ling Zhao


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“图像共生——中新澳艺术交流展” 荟集了来自中国的著名艺术家的艺术作品,展现了中国独特的兼具了东方艺术特点的美学艺术;同时也荟集了有强烈新西兰特色的,新西兰当地华裔艺术家、及其它族裔艺术家的艺术作品。 “图像共生”将呈现一个东西方文化水乳交融的艺术画卷,起到增进多方艺术交流与融合,加深了解和认识的作用。



The China-New Zealand Tourism Year will be officially launched in 2019. As a world-class destination, New Zealand will showcase its beautiful, natural and colorful tourism scene to China, and more Chinese tourists will visit the beautiful country. This is an excellent opportunity for China and New Zealand to promote two-way tourism and enhance mutual understanding of their respective cultures. China has a long history of 5,000 years, splendid civilization, numerous historical sites and high-speed development of modern cities. Therefore, the New Year Tourism Year provides an opportunity for New Zealand to understand China.

  “Image and Imagination — China & Oceania Art Exhibition” is a collection of works by famous artists from China, showing China’s unique aesthetic art that combines the characteristics of oriental art. At the same time, there are also works of art by New Zealand local Chinese artists and other ethnic artists with strong New Zealand characteristics. “Image and Imagination” will present an artistic picture of the fusion of Eastern and Western cultures, which will enhance multilateral art exchanges and integration and promote multilateral understanding.

Curator:Li Yang, Joshua Zong, Ling Zhao









